The Good Guy's

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The Charmed Guy's
Here is some info of the good guy's in charmed

Leo ~ Brian Krause
Brian Krause has been in loads of supernatural dramas, such as the film verison of Stephen Kings Sleepwalkers.
He plays a whitelighter, a guardian of witches, with many powers, although he is only allowed to use them when he can as the infamous 'Elders' keep tabs on his gifts, his main powers are orbing and healing, he can levitate too.
Cole ~ Julian Mcmahon
You may recognise Julian from the tv show, profiler, about a psychic woman. He always falls for the women that can see the future, he plays half demon Cole, who thinks his long past is behind him when his demon half is finally vanquished...but the Source has great plans for Cole and will go to any lengths to get his deadly desire.
Cole could shimmer and throw energy balls, when owned by the triad they gave him powers of telekinesis, just like when Leo was given them by the elders.
Daryll Morris ~ Dorian Gregory
Dorian also stars on 'The Other half'yet we all know him as the courageous cop. He has been in Charmed since the beginning, yet he learnt the Halliwell secret in season two, he still doesnt understand it all, but learns there is more out there than 'mortal' crime!

The Men of Charmed