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......................Devils and Demons......................

Warlocks, Demons and other otherworldy beings invade on the Charmed ones lives, whether its for good, which is very rarely is, or for bad. Warlocks are witches which have disobeyed the wiccen rede which is ' An it harm none, do what ye will' and the laws of personal gain. Yet evil always wants to win, and the Source will make sure of that! Also, check out the Demon Gallery for powerfull pix!

The world of demons
A spell can vanquish a demon great
You say one and he'll disapate
Or if all fails then resort
To a power which will make him resort
To everything he can, he will flee
To escape 'the power of three'

The Truth behind the Evil.....
Charmed Demons are based on real myth, the same as the power of three, three has always been a very special number, and when three witches join forces, they can create great power!
People in olden times believed demons and witches were both evil, yet in charmed witches are good empowered humans that stop the demons.
Different Demons have different powers and abilities, just like witches, there main goal is too feed the source with power. To please the Source is a great honour in the demon world.


Check out the Demon Gallery for powerfull pix!